Friday, December 17, 2010


  1. I have grown/changed in my visions to see what is possible and what is simply not. I have learned to open my mind to new things and be a leader as well as a follower. I have grown from being indecisive and realizing what really are my accomplishments and competitions. I have changed the way I think in the way of possibilities and what can happen. Compared to what I know now, and what I have seen, I knew absolutely nothing and hadn’t seen anything ever before.

  1. I am proud of my achievements and stability to gain composure. I feel as if I am proud of everything I have done in school, including DLC7. I am proud of being a leader, in my eyes. I am proud because I have come from “nothing”, to actually being something, again in my eyes. I had no idea what the real world was, until it was shown to me.

  1. The things that were most challenging for me, was being creative and trusting others ideas. I have always been loose and gone with MY ideas and MINE only. Projects and deadlines have been most challenging. Time management with reading. Even though these things have been very challenging, I have been able to pull through and get everything that I need to get done, on time.

  1. My favorite projects were those that were done with Keynote and Imovie. I like to stand up and present live projects and also public speak after I had been learning my topic. i.e. (TWIF). I do not like to have attention, when in a big crowd, but I like to stand out when public speaking. My favorite projects were the Stephen Crane projects.

  1. I hope for more projects that will show our abilities. I hope for another semester like the 1st


  1. This was a very heartfelt post. I can really relate to how you feel about other's ideas. I also like to public speak, and i think that the more the second semester is like the first the better. I think that you really have become a better and stronger leader.

  2. I think this is a very thought filled. I can relate about not trusting everyone elses ideas. I think you have really become a better leader.

  3. This a very heartfelt and understanding post. I can see your true feelings in this and I understand you a little bit better. I can tell that you are a hard worker that likes to hide in the shadows, but like to come out into the spotlight when it's your time to shine. Now I'm not as good at reading people as Miss. Bailin, so I might be wrong, that is just what I see in you.

  4. That was really great, it sounded like a prologe to a great book, movie or video game. I agree with your challenging things, most things were challenging for me so I can relate easily. You are a born leader though, don't don't accept that.

  5. @Alison Yeah, that is pretty much it except for the fact that I do not really "hide" in the shadows. Thank you for the very kind post! :)

  6. @Tsand Thank you for the kind post. Trusting people is very difficult and a lot of people feel that way too. I really liked your post. The truths will come out when the final project rolls around... :)

  7. @Greg Thank you for the very kind post. I really liked your post and how it described you. Time management for SPECIFIC things is hard, right? :) Again, thank you!
